Monday, December 13, 2010

A Tree of a Different Color

Nick and I found a Christmas tree with multi-colored lights that we could agree on!  Granted, it is 12 inches tall and ceramic, but I consider this a win!
Vintage Tree
This is one of those 1950's trees that most grandparents owned, including mine.  My grandmother Carlson did not have a real tree, and as far as I know, she did not have a fake tree meant to look like a real tree, instead she had one of these guys that you just have to plug in.  Hers was probably two and a half feet tall, a giant compared to mine, but hers was the ONLY in even the presents were placed around it.  I used to think her tree was a bit funny (OK I will admit I think I may have used the word tacky), but last year I saw one of the antique stores on Charles St. had them in their window display and they looked really fun.  They had white and green trees, some with multi-colored lights, others with just a a single color.

Close Up
This year in the window, they had the little guy in the picture above, only one foot tall, making it the perfect decoration for a side table.  Since the real tree is reserved for white lights only, I thought this would be a fun COLORFUL addition.  I showed it to Nick and he actually liked it too, which I was totally surprised by, but excited.  Not wanting to miss the moment of approval, I bought it, brought it home, set it on a mirrored side table, and turned it on.  All the little colored lights are reflecting everywhere, making a surprisingly large impact for such a small tree.

Unlit Tree
While I do not EVER plan to make this my only tree (sorry Grama), I do take back every snicker or comment I made about these trees in the past.  These trees have that sense of nostalgia that make it a bit more than a mere decoration, but certainly are a fun addition.

Also, quick note about the antique store that I bought this from....Twentieth Century Limited is my new favorite place.  While a bit overwhelming (even according to the shop keepers) there are some amazing finds in there, including vintage Chanel jewelry!  The store is like your grandmothers jewelry box, if your grandmother had great taste and needed something new and different for each day of the week.  This is the perfect place to find a one of a kind piece that sets off your outfit and really makes it memorable.  However, be prepared to spend some time looking...the walls of the store are lined with cases containing hundreds of items.  You really have to take the time to look at the pieces separately...but if you do, you will walk away with something amazing.

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