Friday, December 3, 2010

Holiday Wine Pairing Service

Happy Friday! I've got wine on the brain. I took today off and am likely packing or already on my way to Maine with my mom as you're reading this post. It's our shopping weekend, and any good shopping trip pairs well with a nice dinner out and a glass or two of wine, of course! While I'm thinking about wine, I wanted to share with you a fun service that I recently heard about.

As you're planning upcoming holiday parties and dinners, you're probably focusing heavily on the food -- I know I am. And while I can come up with an amazing dinner menu, I'm not so great a picking wines to match. I pretty much pair everything with a bottle of Shiraz or Syrah -- my favorites. That's where the Wine ConneXtion in North Andover, Mass., comes in.

Just email your holiday menu and number of guests to, and a wine expert will get back to you within 48 hours with wine pairings and the amount of wine you'll need. He or she will also provide you with info about the wine pairings, so you can show off your wine smarts!

If you like the pairings that have been selected for you, simply approve your order, and your wines will be packed up and set aside for you to pick up. The whole service won't cost you a thing (of course you'll have to buy the wine you choose to purchase).

The wine matching service is available until January 2, so you can use it for all of your holiday parties and events, including your New Year's Eve celebration!

Also, the Wine ConneXtion has a new 12-month wine membership called "The Wine Society." It's $175 to join and you'll get one exceptional bottle of wine each month, which will be available for pickup on the 15th of each month. In addition to the wine of the month, members have an opportunity to attend tastings and events. Members will also get to test out pre-inventory wines and help determine whether they'll be put out for sale. This sounds like a great opportunity for someone who loves to be in the know about new and interesting wines.

Where do you shop for wine? Do you do your own pairings? How do you determine what makes a good match?

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