Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fun and Fearless Fitness: 10,000 Steps

Although I will never be a healthy food/lifestyle blogger, I am very conscious of my struggles to find a healthy balance of food and exercise in my life.  I still try to go to the gym after work, but during months like December, it is hard when there are holiday parties, activities, and happy hours almost every weeknight and weekend!  On the days that I don't go to the gym, I've been pretty good about getting on the stationary bike for an hour in the morning.  We purchased the bike in October and for the most part, I've been fairly consistent about riding it.  In November, I was out of work for a week with the flu and it sort of threw me off track but I'm slowly getting back into it.

I've been trying to find other ways to stay active in addition to my gym and bike sessions.  One of the ways that I do this is by trying to add more steps into my day.  Living in the city without a car, I already walk quite a bit.  I already walk to and from work and walk to run most of my errands but I've been trying to find little ways to add even more steps where I can.  For instance, I ride the elevator in my building since I work on the 36th floor.  However, since October, our bathroom has been under renovations and I've been walking up and down three flights of stairs to the alternative bathroom just to add some more exercise to my day.

As one of my Hanukkah gifts, Bret got me a walking pedometer.  

I was pretty excited because I've wanted one of these for awhile to help me measure how many steps I'm taking.  On Sunday night, Bret helped me set the pedometer up.  I used it on Monday by clipping it to my skirt and going about my day.  The pedometer resets at midnight so that I can measure my steps every twenty-four hours.  On Monday, I clocked in at 9,315 steps.

I've done some research and a lot of studies suggest taking 10,000 steps a day.  There is a feature on the pedometer for aerobic steps for the steps that you take while working out at the gym.  But I think my goal is to take 10,000 steps a day without including exercise.  I'm not quite sure how well this little experiment will go but I'm willing to give it a try!

Have you ever measured how many steps you take a day?  Do you have any tips on how to add more steps to my day?

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