Friday, December 10, 2010

The Holiday Stroll...A Beacon Hill tradition

One of the things I most like about Boston is how it seems like a series of small towns.  I will give you that the downtown/financial areas do have their large buildings, but really most of Boston has that small town vibe.  Beacon Hill and Charles St., in particular, really exemplify that feeling.  When you walk along Charles St. you really could be on any traditional main street anywhere in the US.  You know your neighbors as well as meet and know the owners and staff at the shops, to the point where some of them actually become your friends.  I find it difficult to walk into some shops and NOT have a conversation with the person assisting me.  They know Holly (my dog) and of course want to say hello to her, and once that is over (as she is the priority) they will ask after me.  I think that is one of the best things about Beacon Hill and Boston in general, because I am sure the same thing happens over in the North End, South End and Back Bay.  They are such close knit communities within the big city.

Last night, this small town ideal was in full effect.  The Beacon Hill Holiday Stroll was upon us...somehow the people in charge of the Beacon Hill Holiday Stroll are able, year after year, to select a date that happens to be the same night where the winter weather really settles in...and this year was no exception.  During last nights 25 degree weather, people from Beacon Hill were out and about in their winter finest (and hopefully warmest) strolling along Charles St. enjoying the holiday party.

During the evening of the stroll, Charles St. closes to cars and the shops stay open to 9 and offer the strollers treats and drinks.  Some stores even have sales (thanks Crush!).  The shops along Charles St. always have a lot to offer, regardless of the season, however, they are a bit small.  So the only downfall of the Stroll, is that you really have to work to shop.  On the night of the stroll I generally prefer to go in and browse but really just enjoy the treats they are offering...plans worked pretty well so far!

In Crush but dressed ready to take on the cold!

During the Stroll there was some big Charles St. news...for ages we have been waiting for Curly Cakes to come to open.  They have been teasing us for almost a year now with a sign in the window saying coming soon, but it came to the point where we thought they would never come!  The bakery is inspired/the brain child of Todd English's daughter Isabelle...who happens to have curly hair.  Last night though, the doors were open and they were handing out free samples!!!  Not one to ever turn down a free sample, we went in and sure enough, there was Todd English handing out the cupcakes with his daughter!!!  The place was packed so it was difficult to move about...but Todd himself made eye contact with me and held up a tray so I could take a sample...I must have looked the most hungry!  Verdict is the cupcakes are tasty and he really is a handsome man...

The other part of the stroll and really the reason for the street closing is the strollers and others join in for the Christmas Tree lighting at the corner of Charles and Mt. Vernon.  The tree is pretty tall...hard to see in this picture, but it does reach the top of the building!

Beacon Hill Christmas Tree
Also, throughout the Stroll there are carolers dressed up in Victorian era costumes matter how cold it was or how are the wind blew. 

Carolers singing under the tree
Also along the street there were horse and carriage rides and people selling carnival type trinkets to play with.  The atmosphere is just a lot of fun and just another reason to love Beacon Hill.  With the Holiday Stroll now passed, it really does feel like the Christmas season is here!

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