Sunday, December 26, 2010


Come the holidays, I'm all about the picture montages. You know the drill: good food, spiked beverages, lots of wine, smiling faces, and since it is Christmas - presents galore! Christmas Eve Morning with Adam.Road Trip.Told you I'd get my Holiday Dunkin Donut.Presents & White Merlot with Dad that afternoon.Christmas Eve in East Sandwich, MAOur generous hosts - Aunt Laurie, Uncle Tony, Kate & AJBaked Brie with Apricots & Pecans. Pear Martinis. Family. Poinsettia Martins. Apple Jack & Cider. An incredible dinner and dessert spreadCupcakes from Lulu's Sweet Shoppe & Mom's famous eclair ring.
An extensive selection of cordials.Nothing better than winding down Christmas Eve with Coffee + Mint Baileys and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Christmas Morning at Mom'sBitch Bubbly from my sisters boyfriend Tray. hahaBroccoli Cheddar & Swiss QuicheBloody MarysPotato Latkes with homemade applesauce & crispy bacon. After this excellent brunch and a lovely time on Cape Cod, I spent the rest of Christmas day in Quincy with Adam's family. Many more presents and another dinner feast later, I feel extremely blessed to have so many loved ones with which to celebrate the holidays.
That's a wrap!

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