Thursday, December 16, 2010

Baked Chipotle Potato Chips

After celebrating a little too much last night at my office holiday party, I was excited to head home tonight, throw on my sweats and cook something to cure the nasty hangover I'd been nursing all day long.  Whenever I am feeling the effects of the previous evening, I like to calm my stomach with a hearty breakfast and I thought that this was the perfect excuse to make breakfast for dinner!  I decided to make a simple breakfast sandwich for dinner.  I had half a bag of potatoes leftover from my Hanukkah brisket and instead of making a hash, I decided to play around with my newest kitchen gadget.

Bret's parents got me a de Buyer Kobra mandoline for Hanukkah!  I haven't had a chance to use the mandoline yet so I was definitely excited to finally have an excuse!

First, I scrubbed and dried the leftover potatoes.  I actually ended up using only three potatoes as this made plenty of chips!  Bret and I both took turns playing around with the mandoline.  Bret was definitely better at it than I was!

The mandoline was really easy to use and it made perfectly thin slices!

I knew that I would toss the potato slices in olive oil, salt and pepper but I also decided to add one of my favorite pantry items - Spicy Chipotle Rub.

To balance the spiciness, I also added some cinnamon to get a sweet contrast.

I tossed the oil and the spices with the potatoes and spread it in one layer on two parchment lined baking trays. 

The potato slices were baked in the oven at 350 degrees for about twenty minutes.  When the chips were done, I placed them on a plate to cool and finish crisping up.  I also sprinkled some more crushed sea salt on the chips. 

Even with two full baking tray, there were still a lot of potato slices.  I ended up baking an additional tray and a half.  I found that these chips baked a lot faster since the trays were already hot.  I'll have to remember to heat the baking sheets in the oven while it is preheating the next time I make this to cut down on the baking time.

The chips were ridiculously good, especially with a spicy ketchup (ketchup, sriracha and tabasco sauce) dipping sauce.  The chips baked perfectly crispy and had a nice spicy kick.  I was a little shy on the cinnamon but you got a little sweetness here and there. 

While the last sheet of potato chips were baking, I threw an aluminum foil lined baking sheet with bacon in the oven and also got two bagels toasting in the toaster oven.  When the chips were done, I turned the oven up to 425 degrees and fried up two eggs on the stove.  The bagels, eggs and bacon were topped with a slice of cheese, which resulted in the perfect breakfast sandwich to cure my post-party blues!

And of course, I made myself a glass of chocolate milk.  After all, I swear that it helps you cure any hangover!

As the holiday season approaches, what is your fool-proof way to beat a hangover?

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