Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fun and Fearless Adventures in Washington, D.C.

I'm back!  I spent three wonderful days and nights in Washington, D.C. visiting one of my best friends.  It was freezing cold down in D.C. but we had a wonderful time filled with lots of laughter that we both badly needed.  Here are just a few photos from this weekend:

Lots of snuggles with Griffin

Wandering around Eastern Market...

Staying warm with action shots...

Taking in the sights...

And saying hello to Julia Child's kitchen...

And eating some intensely seasoned fries at Good Stuff Eatery...
I flew back early Tuesday morning and went straight to work...and I'm slowly recovering from a fabulous weekend that involved laughter.

Tell me, when was the last time you really laughed out loud?

Good Stuff Eatery on Urbanspoon

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