Friday, December 10, 2010

Baking People Happy

I am about to proclaim a bold statement, but just take my word for it. Take my word and read on, there might even be something in it for you!

Geoff & Drew's a local gourmet cookie & brownie company bakes hands down some of the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever tasted. Hands.down. On a frigid Thursday evening I gathered with 1o other bloggers/friends and Chief Cookie Girl/President Carol Spickler at Clover Food Lab in Harvard Square to taste the award winning "Tiffany"/"Rolex" of cookies. Conceptualized in 2001 as "Late Night Cookies" Carol and her two best friends, Geoff and Drew offered a cookie & milk delivery service to Boston residents, catering largely to the college student population. Renamed to Geoff & Drew's in 2003 they've put their heart and and soul into the company, baking cookies ever since. They gained popularity after a spread in Gourmet Magazine and much notoriety including writes ups in the NY and LA Times and a stint on the Today Show. Cookies this good deserve to be nationally recognized and I'm telling you they live up to the hype. The company headquarters is based in Malden, MA where they pride themselves on being not just a bakery, but a high quality gift company. You will not find these cookies sold in grocery store chains or retail of any type. Geoff & Drew's maintains freshly baked to order goods that come packaged in charming gift boxes. They were un-packaged before our very eyes to taste to our hearts content. The Brownie types range from their signature chocolate, to mini M&M's, to a toffee brownie, to a unanimous crowd pleaser; the peppermint brownie. Gooey fudge wrapped around a thick mound of soft peppermint, we could barely contain our excitement. But the real star of this show were the cookies. Slightly crunchy on the edges, soft and chewy in the middle, sweet uninterrupted flavors of gourmet chocolates, buttery goodness and pure bourbon vanilla delighted. Sheer bliss comes in the form of the White Chocolate Cranberry Cookie, followed by a sinfully delicious Double Fudge Chunk. The cookies embody a freshness and quality that surpass any cookie I have tasted as of late. I've decided I need to order more stat and keep a gift-to-myself-box in reach at all times.
I washed my cookies down with Clover's Hot Mulled Cider ($2). I know milk would have probably been better suited, but this was perfect considering the 25* temperatures outside left a lingering chill. Elizabeth was smart to organize the event at Clover (the infamous vegan food truck turned fast food joint) as it provided a relaxed and bright setting where we were able to sprawl out at the large communal table. We enjoyed our cookies next to a tree that the owner actually cut down himself at a local New England Christmas tree farm.
To get in on the cookie action yourself, purchase a last minute gift for uncle whats his name, or forgo your own version of baked goods at the office holiday party, Geoff & Drew's is offering readers 20% off using code BLOG20. See, told you there was something in it for you!

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