Monday, May 17, 2010

Canon Powershot SD1300

Thank you to all who shared your camera experiences and recommendations this past week. A couple of you recommended the Fuji FinePix - water proof, dust proof, shock proof - amazing! But an even greater number of you recommended various types of Canons. I made up my mind a point and shoot is where it's at. At this time I realistically don't need to spend more money on something that is only going to take up more room, or not fit comfortably in my purse or backpack. I woke up on Sunday around 10:30 and was out to enjoy the glorious day by 11:00. I hopped the Green Line to the Hynes Convention Center stop where Best Buy is located, Sbux Iced Vanilla Latte in hand.
I browsed for about ten minutes. I checked out the latest Sony Cyber shot models and made my way to the Fujis and then the Canons. The Best Buy associate, who just graduated photography school was a Canon advocate all the way. He said they tend to be of a higher quality and last the longest. That fact solidified my choice in brand. But now, what camera?! I didn't tell the salesman how much I was looking to spend, just that I take a lot of pictures on pretty much a daily basis. He wasn't trying to upsell me whatsoever. He basically told me I didn't need HD video or all those other "functions" as it is essentially the same camera. I thought about it. My Sony cybershot actually had a ton of settings: beach setting, landscape setting, low light with flash, low light without flash etc. In the past when I toyed around with the beach and landscape settings, I never really saw a huge difference in the picture. Half the time I forgot or did not want to change the setting anyways. The simpler and less expensive option was sounding more and more appealing. I made the purchase.
Canon Powershot SD1300 IS Digital ELPH 12.1 MP Digial Camera (Silver)

What a beauty she is. Sleek, simple, and super light weight. The love affair began after my breakfast and blog session at Trident Booksellers & Cafe located right around the corner from Best Buy at 338 Newbury Street.
I was here last week for the first time after I had picked up my computer (virus free!) I didn't actually eat anything the first time around, but I did take advantage of their free wi-fi while while hanging out at a high table sipping a Perrier.
It was surprisingly easy to tune out the crowd and focus.
This might be my new favorite spot to blog. When I came in again on Sunday I found a seat at the bar and ordered a coffee.FYI The new camera has not come out of the box yet. Unpackaging and set-up at a busy brunch counter was not the time or place. A little while later I ordered the Breakfast Burrito ($8.95)
Scrambled Eggs with mushrooms, avocado, onion and cheddar wrapped in a tortilla with a side of salsa.
Light fluffy eggs in a warm tortilla with a plentiful amount avocado slathered over them, with flavorful mushrooms and gooey melted cheese, this was excellent! Thank goodness I decided to try the food here. Not sure what I was waiting for the first time around. The staff makes you feel right at home. If you're hanging out at the counter with your computer or a book, there is no pressure to order food. (Again, not sure why you wouldn't want to!) It's decided - I'm coming here to blog and eat more often!! I paid my bill and found a stool in the corner of the bookstore to open the camera. She's all set up and ready to shoot.
Yep I'd say it works.
Loving the bright green ivy that has grown up the sides of these buildings.
I also love this brickwork on Gloucester Street.
I want to live in an apartment covered in vines!
The doors of Back Bay.
I like that montage. I wish I shot more doors now. The detail of the entryways with their arches and columns and unique brick molding is stunning. Notice the intricacy and placement of the wrought iron in each doorway.
So many gorgeous flowers, too.
I strolled down the Commonwealth Avenue Mall. The kids scaling that statue was pretty funny. There was a whole crew of them running around climbing anything they could get a good grip on.

Oh hello Public Garden.
Most of the Tulips are gone or on their last leg. But these baby pinks were still in decent shape.
So the two shots below I cropped myself. You get an unbelievable clarity on the zoom.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure what type of flower this is. From far away they look like giant dandelions but I'm not convinced.
There are plenty of fancy trimmed shrubs and trees,
and swan boats with sightseers a plenty. I've never been on one. What about you?
And the gorgeous Weeping Willows. These were always my favorite type of tree.
Just look how elegant.
What is your favorite type of tree?
Ducks are everywhere. No zoom here, I'm just that close to them. A cute little boy ran over two seconds later and chased them away. Good thing I got my shot. Somebody sign me up for National Geographic.
People are also everywhere, walking or lounging in the grass (or riding a duck boat). I chose a spot in the sun and just lied for an hour or so. I'm pretty impressed with my new camera. However, these are easy daytime shots with bright light. I realized I never asked the salesman how it shoots in low light. Gretchen has the same camera and assured me it works well. I also read from the manufacturers description "...bold innovations that include remarkable low light performance..." Sounds reassuring. Now I just need a dim lit restaurant to experiment.

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