Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Sweet & Sassy Sandwich

May?  Already?  It appears time has gotten away from me again, but there's so much to do before I leave for my trip to Italy next month!   Awhile back I went to a wine tasting where they also had a cheese table.  One of their samples was a cheddar with apple and pickled green tomatoes.   Odd, but I really enjoyed it and inquired more.  Turns out the pairing was based on a sandwich from City Feed, which I had to recreate myself :)

When I found pickled green at Marshall's Fenway Farmstand, I knew it was time!  I tried one of tomatoes right from the jar, and boy were they tart :)  The sandwich has such a unique combination of flavors, with the sweetness from the cheddar/apple and bite from both the pickled green tomatoes and dijon mustard.  Different, but delicious, and if you'd like to kick it up a notch I implore you to give it a try!

Cheddar, Apple & Pickled Green Tomato Sandwich
Yield:  2 sandwiches

a grainy baguette, or 4 slices of a whole wheat bread
dijon/mayo blend (2T of a grainy dijon with 1T olive oil mayo)
red leaf lettuce
pickled green tomatoes
1 granny smith, peeled and sliced (I only peeled it for ease of eating)
2-3oz cheddar (I used Dubliner)

To assemble, spread half of the dijon/mayo blend on one half of the sandwich.  Shred or slice on the other slice of bread.  On top of the cheese, add apple slices then pickled green tomatoes.  Top with lettuce, then the other slice of bread (the one with dijon).   Toast the sandwich (either in the toaster oven or on the stove) to get the cheese warmed/melty, then dig in!

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