Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday Re-Cap: Graduation & Girls Night Out

This weekend was another gorgeous weekend and it was jam-packed full of lots of friends and celebrations.
First, my friend KK graduated from Suffolk University's Sawyer Business School with her Masters in Business Administration on Saturday.  This has been a long journey for her as she squeezed in evening classes and exams amidst her busy work and Ironman training.  Here are some photos of her graduation:

Waiting to be called...

Getting her graduate robe and degree on stage (sorry for the blurry photos)...

Greeting our happy graduate!

We couldn't be more proud!

Afterwards, we headed off to Stephanie's on Newbury where we had prime seating and indulged in pitchers of sangria, calamari, a tower of onion rings and a delicious Cobb salad for me.  I was thrilled to be asked to join KK in her special day of celebration and her friends and family were so happy to toast to her bright future.

After lunch, I took a well-needed afternoon nap and then headed over to Rocca for girls night out.  I've never been to this restaurant before and we got to catch up with drinks in their lounge and then headed upstairs for a leisurely dinner.  The food was outstanding, especially the house ricotta and the lasagna, but the service was unreasonably slow with forgotten drink orders and empty glasses.  Still, I'd like to make a return visit there - perhaps for a date night.

After dinner we headed to Ginger Park for cocktails....and photos....

And then to Eastern Standard for more cocktails and fried pickles...before calling it a night.  It was another fantastic Saturday...which makes it hard to head back to work on Monday....

How was your weekend?

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