Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rustic Slow Cooker Tomato Lentil and Chicken Sausage Soup

A few years ago, I took a cooking class with my friend A.  In fact, it was the first cooking class I ever experienced (if you don't count home economics back in middle school, which I don't).  The theme of the cooking class was easy stress-free weeknight cooking and we tried out a few different recipes.  One of the recipes was a chicken sausage lentil soup, which I instantly fell in love with because it is so easy and versatile.  Since that cooking class, I've made this recipe so many times that I don't even need to pull the actual recipe out and I've completely adapted it to my own taste.

Although the originally recipe was for the stovetop, I've recently been making it in the slow cooker.  I find that it is not only easier for me but it also allows the ingredients to really come together to layer the flavors.  I decided to make this soup in the slow cooker for Wednesday evening, which means that I would start the slow cooker in the morning before heading out to work.  To cut back on the prep time in the morning, I decided to prepare some of the raw ingredients on Tuesday night while B was rolling meatballs for our pasta dinner

I roughly chopped six cloves of garlic.

I also chopped a quarter of one huge onion that I found in the fridge.

I would have chopped up more of the onion for the soup until I discovered some leftover boiler onions in the fridge as well.  I peeled about six of the boiler onions and halved some of the large ones.

The next morning, I added these raw ingredients to the slow cooker pot.

I then moved onto my next ingredient - the roasted garlic chicken sausage with onions and herbs.  These chicken sausages are already fully cooked and make a really flavorful addition to this soup.

I sliced up all four links and added the chicken sausage to the slow cooker.

I then added about half a bag of frozen spinach.  The spinach was never part of the original recipe but I thought it would make a nice addition to this rustic soup.  I then added my liquid ingredients, including a cup of chicken broth, a large can of diced tomatoes, and a can of lentil soup.  I usually add black beans to the soup but I surprisingly didn't have any in my pantry so I added a can of drained garbanzo beans instead.

I also added a cup of the Kung Fu Girl reisling left over from the previous evening.  Wine was not an ingredient in the original recipe but I figured that it would add a nice liquid flavor to the soup.  I wasn't worried about the sweetness of the wine since it would all cook down during the day.

At this point, the slow cooker already looked colorful and smelled amazing. 

I of course had to season everything and added generous shakes of some of my favorite spices - herbs de Provence, fresh-cracked salt and peppercorn, along with crushed red pepper flakes.

I set the slow cooker on for eight hours on low and set off on my day.  When I got home from work last night, the soup made the whole kitchen smell so unbelievable. 

I wanted to make a side salad with the soup for dinner using leftover Olivia's Organics Spring Mix.  I added half a cucumber, a tomato and some Shy Brothers Hannahbell cheese.

The salad was light and refreshing, which was a perfect contrast to the thick and hearty soup. 

The soup had thickened while it simmered all day and it felt so warm on a cold day like yesterday.  If it were winter time, I totally would have dipped some crusty bread in this soup. but since it is spring, the soup was a perfect lighter choice.  The soup felt so filling with the spinach, tomatoes, garbanzo beans and chicken sausage yet still so healthy.  Here's a closer look:

Of course, we could only have a bowl each so B took some in today for lunch and we decided to freeze the rest.  I love having this soup in my freezer for one of those cold rainy weekends.  Who would have thought that one cooking class recipe would provide so much inspiration and deliciousness?

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