Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

First of all, I want to thank everyone who commented on my Ditch Friend Mary post. You guys are great! Your comments were both insightful and humorous. If you didn't get a chance to play - check it out, either that or wait until next months installment. I hope to make it a regular part of the blog. It's a fun way for me to provide honest reviews of products and places.

Second of all, I wanted to share a few pictures taken Friday evening. I was having a relaxing night in by myself, preparing Road Mimosas and painting my fingers and toes when Tricia texted inviting me to meet her and the boys (Dave, Mike and Adam) who had just gotten out of the movies, for drinks. I showered and headed around the corner to Artu. I arrived first, happy to see Emily was bartending and ordered myself a Stoli Blueberry and Soda. Our friends Ashley and Ethan also stopped by for a drink. It was an enjoyable last-minute evening out.
Pictured below are my Sangria Chicken leftovers for dinner much earlier. Yum!
Adam did not eat dinner and he was starved. He ordered a Sausage, Spinach and Mascarpone flatbread. I couldn't pass up a piece. It was gooey, cheesy, meaty and piping hot with a crispy crust.
Shot of the bar front and center
My second drink of the evening was an Absolut Boston and Tonic.
And my third was an unpictured Peroni.

Third of all, who can believe the season finale of LOST is tonight?! Six years ago, on September 22, 2004, my Junior year of college, I watched the premiere, alone, in my twin bed, on my roommates 18 inch TV. I scare easily, so, um, watching this alone, I was freaked out. I did not watch the first season in its entirety, (I also didn't have DVR back then) but I kept up somewhat throughout. By season two I was hooked and I've been a faithful fan ever since.

How many of you can say you watched the Pilot Episode when it aired Wednesday 9/22/04 on ABC?
I have a theory (or more of a secret desire) that the writers and producers are going to say "gotcha" and fill us in on a little secret I like to call Season 7, since there is no way all of our questions will be answered tonight. All things Lost considered, they could pull something like that, no?! ;)
Anyways. The Lost phenomenon as we know it ends tonight. I'll be tuning in promptly at 7:00pm for the recap episode. It's going to be an intense Sunday night. Destiny calls.....

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