Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Kick Off

How fitting that after this weeks review of Market in the Financial District, I end up at Market in the W Hotel.
How are there two places in this small city with the same name? Confusing much? Well hopefully not because what they have in common begins and ends with the name.
You won't find a Reggae jam band at the W hotel. ;) Tricia, Erin and I meandered over to the W located in the Theater District, after we saw the sold out 7:30 showing of Sex and The City 2 at the Boston Common Loews. As you are probably already aware, SATC 2 is getting lackluster to terrible reviews. My latest issue of Entertainment Weekly gave it a C-. Barely Average. Whatever. I'm a cheesy movie lover, and the ladies of NYC delivered a host of cheese filled lines and as to be expected, over the top, unrealistic scenes. I can see why it got some bad reviews. I really can....
But I loved it. The laughs were non-stop. I'm not sure why the movie poster only includes SJP strutting through the dessert of Abu Dabi in heels. (Well technically it was filmed in Morocco.) I know probably not all of you have seen it yet, so I'll keep the spoiler alerts to a minimum and continue on my picture montage of the intimate urban garden that is Market Lounge at the W Hotel.
The sophisticated Market Lounge actually sits across the hall from the restaurant. This funky sculpture of mirror cut-outs spans the length of the natural stone wall.
Did I mention my Canon Powershot takes phenomenal pictures in low light?! I know I've taken some low light shots before but I don't think I mentioned just how pleased I am. I no longer have to suffer through to-dark-to-see shots or blind the entire lounge with my flash.
Once we decided on our drinks, it took a little while to place an order at the bar, (large group ahead of us / only one bartender paying attention to standing patrons...) but once we managed the male bartender was super nice and poured some brilliant libations. We sunk back into our seats on the plush couch situated low to the floor directly behind the bar, in between these dramatic metallic curtains. On the left, Tricia's Pomegranite Fizz ($12) which the bartender noted was his favorite drink on the menu contains Skyy Vodka, Cuvée Brut NV Domaine St. Michelle, Pomegranate and Blueberry

I was impressed with my Lychee Raspberry Bellini ($9) with Prosecco ‘Il Fresco’ NV Villa Sandi, Lychee and Raspberry. Served in a tall champagne flute, it delighted the taste buds with the dry Prosecco fizz and went down easy with sweet lychee and raspberry flavors. The three of us agreed we must make another appearance at this trendy establishment, as we bid them farewell and headed to Delux. We still had a good 3 hours left on the town!
If your a faithful reader you've seen a shot similar to the above (or just read about my Delux outings) here, here , here oh and here. That would be the bottomless dirty martini, my drink of choice poured by the gal who puts up with all our drunken shenanigans, Nikki. But I mean really, how could you ever tire of viewing the picture perfect cocktail that is the dirty martini?!
Nikki made Tricia a fun martini too. Something sweet is all I know. For last call, as usual (reference above links) I drank a Magners before we re-convened on Clarendon St. and headed to....
If you are quick to catch on, and you guessed Beehive, you would be correct.  A hip bohemian underground jazz club, draped with deep red beaded curtains, massive ornate chandeliers and local artwork, it gives a feel quite unlike any other spot in the city.
The infamous Beehive mug is filled with Kronenbourg 1664. The distinct taste of this aromatic hoppy beer is reminiscent of time spent in Paris last September. What I would not give to be sipping one outside at a cafe. Sigh
Since I have a super great functioning low light camera, I took some more shots to show off The Beehive. If you are a local and haven't visited Beehive yet, you must.
A few of the men with whom I spend my Friday nights.
And the ladies accompanying me, Tricia and Erin. I fed them and the mysterious man pictured with them below dinner last night at 3am. I made a mini feast of spaghetti with the last of my vodka cream sauce leftovers and a side of sauteed spinach. Oh how we love late night eats.
The Beehive has some of the coolest bathrooms ever. I adore funky the mirror collage against exposed brick alternating with a bright pink and brown damask wallpaper design. 
What a Friday! How did you kick off Memorial Day Weekend?

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