Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday Re-Cap: Teresa's Graduation

As most people know, I'm a bit of a workaholic and hate taking time off of work unless it is completely necessary. But when my friend Teresa asked me to come to her graduate school commencement ceremony yesterday, I knew that there was no way that I'd ever miss it.  You see, over the years, T and I have been through thick and thin together.  We've had many ups and many downs but I've realized that in many ways, we have become family together.  So with a heart full of joy and pride, I was thrilled to celebrate T's huge accomplishment as she graduated from Lesley University with her M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Guidance Counseling.

Here are some photos of the special day:

We got there early to stake out good seats for the commencement...

Our friend Joelle gave one of the student commencement speeches...

Waiting in line to be called on stage...

She's done it!

A picture of the happy graduate with her family...

And her other family...

After the graduation, we headed to Stephi's on Tremont where her cousin had arranged for a private dining room with complimentary bubbly and appetizers.  We then headed to the North End for a graduation party with all of her close friends and classmates until the late hours of the evening.

Once again, I'm so proud of T for this huge accomplishment and I was so proud to be there to cheer her on yesterday.  The road to her graduation hasn't been easy, which may have made it all the more worthwhile.


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