Thursday, May 13, 2010

Nauset Beach

Last Sunday afternoon Mom and I tooled over to the town of Orleans. We pulled into the empty (except for a few cars) parking lot at Nauset Beach and headed for adventure. We threw our rock collecting bags over our shoulders and walked over top of the dunes to the breathtaking view of sand and surf.
One of the most beautiful beaches on Earth if you ask me. Where the deep teal surf retreats from the smooth sandy shores, and the navy ocean waters meet the vast azure sky.
Where the Atlantic Ocean and Lower Cape landscape stretches for miles and miles, as far as the eye can see. The white dunes layered with sharp green beach grass sit above the tan grainy shores. The pale nickel colored flats at the waters edge are dotted with stones and shells....Excuse me did I say dotted with stone and shells? I mean coated with. A rock collectors paradise if you will. Just so happens Mom and I are professionals.
Is there such a thing as professional rock collectors or did I just make that up? Don't answer that.
Someone is having an excellent Mothers day! Canvas bags in hand, we set out for treasure. Doesn't matter that it is 45* and windy. It was also sunny and quite beautiful despite the cool wind. We bundled our little selves up.
We came across large patches of rocks just waiting to be collected. I found a lot of unique looking stones and I was also collecting quite a bit of Wampum. Nauset it a Wampum haven.
I really liked this half moon cookie rock!
In the summer, these landscapes are covered in beach bums. Locals and tourists alike sardined into the lifeguarded section, munching on greasy french fries or clams from Liam's - the dune front snack shack. There is plenty of beach to spread out of course, if you don't mind a bit of a walk.
Unless you own a four wheel drive vehicle and happen to purchase a sticker. Only then do you experience the heart of Nauset Beach. There is nothing quite like a day of trecking through the trails in the dunes to a secluded waterfront spot.
The tide was going out exposing tan sand bars.
There was even some die hard surfers catching a few waves.
At this point, we had turned around. We walked pretty far and our bags were getting quite full.
Farewell Nauset. Its been a pleasure. Hope to see you when the summer sun graces us.
We were starved after all that hiking. JoMama's NY Bagels in Orleans provided our late lunch. I had never been here before. I will forever remember it for the amazing sandwich I ate and for the spot where my camera met its demise. I was taking a picture of my hot latte made with organic coffee just after sprinkling cinnamon evenly over the foam. That picture didn't take, but here is the last shot I did take.
The trusty iPhone came through once again. The EL Diablo ($6.75) was a must document sandwich. I got it on a Ciabatta roll, but you could also choose a bagel or a wrap.
Black bean burger, spicy pepper spread, bean & corn salsa, lettuce, tomato. Oh my gosh was this good. I inhaled. I need to go back to JoMama's ASAP just for this. Yep. This is a place I'd return and get the same sandwich over and over and over. No need to try anything else on the menu. Except if it was breakfast time, I could totally go for one of their New York style bagels.

Well my friends, the jam packed mother-daughter weekend has at last come to an end. I was lucky enough to score a ride home that evening. Thanks Jen!

While I'm presently a Boston loving urbanite, at my core is a Cape girl. I hope you all enjoyed a glimpse into the year round lifestyle my beloved home has to offer. Stay tuned for more Cape posts as summer approaches. And don't forget to check out Visit Cape Cod for a full getaway planning guide.

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