Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ditch Friend Marry #1

My girlfriends and I used to play round after round of a highly entertaining game you may or may not have heard of called Ditch, Friend, Marry. (You may also recall the F word stood for something else. Keeping it clean, people.) Of course, this is back when we are all single and we played using boys. Real live human boys. If you are unfamiliar with the rules of the game it goes a little something like this: one gal puts 3 dudes on the chopping block, then you each choose who you'd ditch, who you'd friend, and who you'd marry. For girlfriends as close as us, there was an endless pool of boys from which to choose, and the decisions were not always easy. It kept us entertained for hours. I've done a great deal of maturing since those days, so I thought it would be fun to incorporate DFM into blog life. It's simple. I pick one thing I ate or drank this week that I disliked = ditch. One thing that I liked = friend, and one thing that I loved = marry. Catching on?
Lyndell's Cupcakes.
Oh shut. This is harder than I thought. I'm such a softie and I hate saying anything mean about anyone or their cupcakes. This is not meant to bash Lyndell's all together, because I know for a fact that their danishes, at least from the Somerville location, are amazing. Within the last year they expanded into a tiny location at 227 Hanover Street.
I tried their cupcakes awhile ago and I thought they were just okay - definitely nothing impressive. Lyndell's is conveniently located on my walk home so I figured I'd swing by again and give them another chance to prove themselves. I mean, how could I not with all these tasty looking treats in the window display beckoning me inside.
On Wednesday I brought two cupcakes home for Adam and I. I'm no baker, but something about the taste and texture were very off. We were reluctant to admit that the vanilla with strawberry frosting tasted very dry, almost stale. It was also terribly un-photogenic.
Cupcakes are supposed to be light and fluffy. If not the former, then rich and decadent. These were unfortunately neither category. They bombed. The chocolate Oreo had some sort of a bite to it. I couldn't place it, but I do know cupcakes aren't supposed to have a bitter aftertaste. And again, the presentation leaves a little something to be desired. I mean the cookie is a fun idea, but it's broken for crying out loud.
And the frosting is haphazardly slathered on there. Such a let down. In the glass case at the store all together they look delightful.
On their own they can't hold a candle to other cupcakes I've photographed and ate. So sorry Lyndell's, your odd tasting cupcakes left me pretty disappointed this week, making them my first official Ditch.
Lyndell's Bakery on Urbanspoon

Ben & Jerry's Boston Cream Pie
Attention Ben & Jerry's lovers, there is a new flavor invading your grocers freezer. Check out the ingredients in the pint of Boston Cream Pie I purchased on this hot and humid Thursday night.
It's pretty good. I enjoyed the thick chunks of yellow cake and the luscious pastry cream swirls embedded in the delicious vanilla and pie flavored ice cream. However, A true Boston Cream Pie is coated in sweet gooey chocolate frosting, and this ice cream only delivers microscopic sized morsels.
Those "Fudge Flakes" are disappointingly tiny. While I am happy to have this carton sitting in my freezer, I am in no rush to finish it. This flavor doesn't top my list of Ben & Jerry's favorites which include: Phish Food, Americone Dream and Karmel Sutra. Boston Cream Pie - let's stick to being just Friends.
Boston Common Coffee Co's Chai Latte
Tuesday afternoon I had a thirst that need quenching and I wasn't sure how to satisfy it. Did I want an iced coffee or did I want a smoothie? That's about as wide and as unspecific as it went in the realm of my cold drink craving that day. For answers to simple requests such as these, all you have to do is ask. Ask who I'm not sure exactly. Just put your feelers out there to the universe and trust that the answers will come. I was guided into Boston Common Coffee Co at 97 Salem Street. I browsed the drink board but didn't want to settle on an iced coffee or latte. Then I saw it. CHAI. It called too me. My request to the universe in that moment was granted. Iced Chai.
I don't even remember the last time I had a Chai. Rich and complex flavors of cinnamon, cardamon, clove and ginger combine to make this ancient tea from India. Over ice with creamy whole milk, this was just the pick me up I needed before my night of laundry began. I woke up the next cold and drizzly morning having heart palpitations just thinking about this drink. I stopped in on my way to work and ordered another, except this time, a hot one. My praise goes out to the baristas, it takes skill to make a cup of Chai as excellent as these were.
Boston Common Coffee Co. Chai, our whirlwind reunion has swept me off my feet. I hereby declare you my first Marry.

What about you guys? You get the idea, right? I will not limit you to food or drink. Skin care or makeup product? A fashion trend or article of clothing? An establishment or place of business? Exercise routine? Event you partook in?
1) Ditch?
2) Friend?
3) Marry?

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