Monday, May 10, 2010

RIP Sony Cyber-shot

I've been MIA for the past few days and I apologize! My laptop took a trip to the Geek Squad at Best Buy and then I took a trip to Cape Cod for Mothers Day. And since I'm on a roll, I shall let you know that my Sony Cyber-shot has taken a trip to camera heaven. Thank goodness it was on my very last leg of the weekend and thank goodness I was also able to upload all my 200+ pictures. Don't worry, it didn't drown it in the ocean on one of my many beach hikes. It didn't fall to its death after I drank 4 glasses of sake with my Mom at our sushi dinner. I was turning it off and the lens simply froze. Froze solid in the "out" position. I'm not upset or anything, because I feel like digital cameras have a lifespan? I've had my Cyber-shot for over three years, and it has certainly been good to me. It has been to Europe and back twice. It has been to North Carolina, Nevada, California, Texas and Colorado. I use it daily, so it was bound to die at some point, right? What is your experience / expectation with point and shoot digital cameras? And MORE IMPORTANTLY what camera do I buy next? Another Sony Cyber-shot? Stay in my comfort zone and get the latest and greatest version of a camera that I know well? Stick with a point and shoot or perhaps upgrade to a point and shoot SRL? Canon Rebel? A Nikon D300o? I am actually not sure I want to have the responsibility of lugging around a larger than pocket size camera. Will the pictures be that much better? There is no denying the shots have a difference in color and clarity. Oh who am I kidding, they take amazing pictures. But does the picture outweigh the camera size and cost? COST. Can I even justify affording a higher priced specialty camera, or should I just spend a couple hundred and be done with it? I await your advice and comments while I work on organizing my last batch of pictures from this beloved camera and get back in the swing of things with my regularly scheduled blogging.

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