Friday, May 7, 2010

The Proposal

I have to admit I've been slacking a bit on the blogging this week.  But it has all been done with good reason because on Tuesday night, B and I got engaged.  Since then, its been a whirlwind of congratulations phone calls and emails, along with a good-bye party for two of our close friends who are moving to Australia.  Long story short, my blog has been on the bottom of the priority list.

Since we have finally told our close friends and family about our engagement, I am finally getting around to blogging about the proposal.

Last week, B and I looked at our schedule for the coming week and we realized that our schedules were packed after work throughout the weekend.  So B proposed that we do a date night on Tuesday night.  He said that he would plan a surprise date night, which wasn't that unusual since he plans surprise dates all the time.  When Tuesday arrived, I bugged him all day long about what we were doing and more importantly (and not surprising, if you know me well), what I should be wearing.  He told me that I could dress casually and that part of the date would be outdoors.  I begin guessing: Swan boat ride? Kayaking on the Charles? Drinks on a patio? He said that I wasn't even close.

For those of you in Boston, you will remember that Tuesday was gorgeous all day until about 4 PM when we were hit with thunderstorms.  B was of course very agitated about it as we walked home from work and I felt bad since I knew he had planned a date night for us.  But his mood vastly improved when the skies finally began to clear.

When we got home, the first thing I noticed was a beautiful single sunflower on the kitchen table.  B had left work during the day to pick up a gift for our friends' good-bye party the next day and he told me that he saw the flower and just wanted to get it for me.  Sunflowers are my favorite flower and I thought it was a really sweet gesture.

After I changed out of my work clothes, B finally told me what the first part of our date was - a picnic.  I was particularly touched by this plan because when B and I first started dating, I told him that one of my favorite childhood memories was going on a picnic with my mom.  We had planned it for days but on the day of the planned picnic, it had rained.  But my mom was adamant about this special mother-daughter time and she set up a picnic in our house and I remember cherishing that special moment.  I only told him the story once but over the years, I told B how I would love to go on a picnic as a date but he always sort of brushed it off.  So when he told me that our first part of the date was to have wine and cheese on a picnic before dinner, I was really touched.

B had secretly ordered a picnic blanket and picnic basket set, had it delivered to work and snuck it into our apartment a few weeks ago.  During the day, when he was running errands, he had also picked up some cheese, crackers and fruit for the date.  I was really touched by the whole thought but I wasn't even the least bit suspicious because B plans these kinds of thoughtful dates for us all the time.

We walked hand in hand down Charles Street and found a spot in the Public Garden where we could see the pond, the bridge and the swan boats.  I sat down on the blanket and B had his back to me as he pulled out items from the basket, including my favorite local goat cheese and Shy Brothers Farm's Hannabell cheese.  B next handed me a Jones soda, B's favorite brand of soda when he was in high school.  I thought this was strange because why wouldn't we have wine with our cheese?

And upon closer inspection, the soda was not any ordinary soda.  It had a very special picture on it.

When I looked up, B was on one knee with the ring box asking me to marry him.  The rest of it was a blur.  I was in complete shock and I cried as I accepted.  We popped a bottle of champagne in the Garden and enjoyed the moment before we called our parents to tell them the good news.  Of course, my parents were half expecting it because B had already asked their permission several weeks ago.

Here is a photo of the two of us after the proposal.  I am smiling like a little kid!

B told me that although he thought of some great restaurants to go to tonight to celebrate, he wanted to take me to someplace in our neighborhood since we had met in Beacon Hill and now live together in Beacon Hill.  I loved that he made that decision because that really is a huge part of our relationship. B had made reservations at one of our favorite spots - Beacon Hill Bistro.    

It was a wonderful night - perfect in every way and one that I will always remember.  Thanks to everyone for all of the wonderful warm wishes.  I am truly a lucky girl and am so looking forward to spending the rest of my life with B.


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