Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sweet Summer Ziti with Spicy Sriracha Greek Yogurt Veggie Dip

Last night, I was feeling incredibly stressed out.  Work has been so overwhelming for me in so many different ways and I was looking forward to coming home and cooking a simple but tasty meal for dinner.  Even at the end of the worst days, I find that cooking dinner can help me clear my head and relax.  While I can never quiet my mind during yoga, there is something so therapeutic and calming about preparing ingredients and tasting flavors to make a dish.

Since it was still fairly warm out, I decided to make a very simple summer pasta dish for dinner.  I put a pot of water on the stove to boil along with a few dashes of salt. While my pasta water started to heat up, I prepped my ingredients by mincing a few large cloves of garlic along with chopping up half a large white onion.  I slowly sauteed the garlic and onion in a pan on medium heat with extra virgin olive oil, fresh cracked black pepper and sea salt, and crushed red pepper flakes.

By this time, the water began to boil and I  dropped the ziti into the pot.

As the pasta began to cook, I added some pre-cooked sliced sweet chicken sausage to the pan with the softened onion and garlic.

I then added some still frozen peas and a small carton of delicious organic grape tomatoes.

When the pasta was done cooking, I drained it and added the ziti to the pan with the vegetable and chicken sasuage mix.  I also added a bit of the pasta water, a drizzle of olive oil and a bit more red pepper flakes, salt and pepper to taste.  I tossed the pasta, vegetables and chicken sausage together and then covered the pan while keeping the heat on low.

I wanted to make a quick side vegetable dish to go along with the pasta.  Usually I would make a side salad but I was in the mood for something different.  Since I had a bag of baby carrots in the refrigerator, I decided to make a veggie dipping sauce for it.  I had plain lowfat 2% Chobani Greek yogurt on hand and I decided to make this the base of my dip.

I also included some finely chopped white onion, a few minced garlic cloves, and lemon juice to the dip.

To add some spice, I started out by adding red pepper flakes and cumin, along with some salt and pepper to taste.

I threw all of these ingredients in the food processor and pulse it smooth.  When I tasted it, something was misisng so I added a bit of Sriracha sauce and a bit more lemon juice.

By putting together these simple ingredients, the end result was a spicy and tangy dipping sauce that went along perfectly with a side of baby carrots.

The carrots and dipping sauce were a great cold and crunchy side to my warm summer ziti dish. 

I loved that the chicken sausage, grape tomatoes and peas added sweetness to the pasta which contrasted well with the salty grated Parmesan cheese that I topped the pasta with at the last minute.  I love making summer pasta dishes without the heavy red sauces because the pasta seems so much lighter, fresh and vibrant.  With last night's heat wave, this was a perfect summer ziti dish.

What do you like to make on a warm summer evening? 

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